Wednesday, August 23, 2006


At 23, 24, 25 and 26 of July our team went to the 1st TEAMDAYS :)

We started sharing the "river of our lives"... and discovered some interesting points about each other lifes...

After sharing the past, we also shared the future... our dreams, our personal vision... and we connected to the others

We get to know ourselves better... discovering our streghts (and sharing them with others... to see how we complement each other)

(the cards on the grass are the strengths we have as a team)

We also went through a process to define how we wanted our team to be... how we wanted the team environment, the behavior... and we arrived to our PRINCIPLES and our BRAND :)

*** it was a very interesting moment... because in the 1st day we discussed a lot about the expectations, the behaviors, the values we wanted to have... and we had more than 5 flipcharts full of ideas, words, sentences that we wanted to include in our brand...
than, during the night, while some people were drinking, Gabiru was alone somewhere in the house, writing...
and, in the next morning, he came to us "I've tried to compile our ideas"... and presented us the most wonderful thing we could have: our brand was defined!! And we could totally identify ourselves to that!! :D

After having the principles we started to think about our name, our "slogan", the image we wanted to be identified with... (many crazy ideas came... hehe)

Ah... of course we also shared our personal lifes playing "I've never..."

Then, we started the planning...

... lots of discussions about product leadership, our role in SSGN, some specific topics (as conferences, regionalization, coaching) and, of course, everything we brought from pre-plan discussions

... action plan for our CSFs

... discussions about "what are we going to do without Deeptesh?" "how to split his job between us?"

... definition of how we will work with the NFAs... how we will work with our Projects in the MC

... definition of the taskforces, initiatives... our roles in the team... and, finally:

(this is how our structure will look like!!)

Spend 4 days away from the MC house/office was very good for us... (thanks Diogo!!)

... we had wonderful breakfests...

... we played soccer, volley... and... hum... had fun!! (hehehe)

MC Team 06/07 - Fully commited to our role, our principles, our plan...

Now... it's EXECUTION time!! :D


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